Participatory Video as an Autoethnographic Method

I am one of the three co-authors for the chapter, "Participatory Video as an Autoethnography Method" featured in the academic book, "Self-Culture-Writing: Autoethnography for/as Writing Studies,” which is still in the process of publication. This chapter examines and shares insights of first-year university writers using participatory videos (video recordings) to show students' literacy and language practices.

Dr. Alison Cardinal, one of the primary co-authors, was conducting this research as part of her Ph.D., when I initially volunteered to be a student participant. She created weekly topics that allowed students to interpret and create videos.

- Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communications (4 C's) on March 2019 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

- Presented at Praxis Conference on February 2018 at the University of Washington Seattle.

Video: 4:13 - For research purposes, students were to provide an alias name


Husky 100 Candidate


Netherlands Study Abroad Program 2019